Monday 30 September 2024

An Unexpected - and Welcome - Surprise

When I got back from shopping in Llandod today, I picked up the post and noticed an Official Letter from HM Revenue and Customs.  I immediately thought, oh-oh . . . but when I opened it I was delighted to find that it was a goodly cheque in repayment of Keith's Income Tax overpayment . . . It will pay for the next lot of oil, which is a huge relief, so will go into my savings account.  There was also a lovely letter in the most beautifully decorated envelope from D - I treasure these envelopes as she always uses the most evocative stickers.  Todays were all Autumnal and just delicious.

I called at the Library before going on to Llandod, and joined so I could download the Borrowbox app, and also got this selection from the local history bookshelf.  Plenty to keep me quiet for a few days.  There are some splendid walks in the Drovers Roads of the Middle Marches, but not enough short ones - not sure if I'm up to 10 - 12 miles including steep hills at the moment (or ever again come to that!)  My days of 15 mile walks on Dartmoor are long gone.

I had a look in the charity shops in Llandod, and found a Weird Fish stripey long sleeve polo shirt in my size for just £5, which I thought was a bargain.  I don't think it's ever been worn.  My sense of smell is finally (6 mths on) returning just a tiny bit as I could smell the horrid stuff they spray all the clothing with.  Straight into the wash tomorrow of course.

I am still very aware I need to be frugal so although I was tempted enough to pick up a couple of magazines whilst I was out (and it was hard to put the Landscape one back, AND the Country Living Christmas mag, which both had lovely photos in and some tempting recipes) and a new Pinch of Nom magazine, I hardened my heart and just opened them out in my trolley and took photos of the recipes which tempted me the most.  Job done and money saved.

I did spoil myself a little and bought a tray of big prawns to go with a stir fry, having decided to have the high-faluting Ravioli Danny had left in the freezer (he told me to eat their stuff up as they have no freezer at present) in my home made soup at lunch time.  The ravioli are butternut squash, marscapone and pine-nut, and bulked out my soup nicely.  Those too, will last me all week with the soup. I've not bought prawns for nearly a year, so I will enjoy them in the stir fry.  Now I need to go and separate the reduced sausages I also bought, as well as the big tray of beef mince, into single portions and freeze them.  Ditto reduced red peppers at 28p each.

I didn't sleep at all well last night as the gale was making my windows rattle and I had Lulu being my personal hot water bottle in the small of my back - gosh she made me hot.  I've just had to collapse in a heap on the sofa, and once again woke up with cat-warmers in the shape of Lulu and Alfie.  He has escaped going to the vet today as his abscess is smaller and softer and has I think, drained a bit.  I'll see how he is tomorrow anyway.  

I've just cut up some more navy and red/white floral fabric (a slightly different ditsy print) to sew up into hexies tonight.  Tomorrow I have my Flu Jab so will be sitting quietly after that and may as well keep busy sewing.

I have also just about completed my Christmas shopping, so I'm glad about that, especially given December's outgoings!  House insurance is due on Christmas Eve; Car MoT at beginning of month; I will probably need to top up the oil by then unless I am able to just use it sparsely; I have two birthdays too, and of course there is Christmas.  I have just bought 3 more gifts (we're all having a frugal Christmas) and am just about done now.  I started shopping for gifts back around April I think!

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