Sunday 29 September 2024

'tis Windy yer . . .

 . . . and no-one about.  Haven't even heard a tractor or quad bike today, which is unusual.  Some days, loneliness creeps in. Yesterday was one of those.  I felt a bit lost by mid-afternoon and noting that my steps were well down for the day, I abandoned sewing and drove into town, parked in Co-op and had a walk down the town and went window-shopping, and did a circuit of the town and then back up the steep hill to Co-op again.  

I must have been putting that vibe out as Gabby said she felt I was low in spirits, and that was why she phoned.  Just chatting to her cheered me up and improved my evening (more sewing!)  I got these hexies sewn up:

  They were cut out and hemmed on Friday and sewn together yesterday evening.  I found a fat quarter sized piece of the red fabric in my stash, and the blue one is the fabric I bought from Ebay.  It matches well with the pattern already used in the quilt.  I am doing the tacking with one of my very many old reels of proper cotton, in a colour I am unlikely to use.  It is a pleasure to sew with and so much better than the man-made stuff.

Yesterday morning I made bread (a half and half loaf, sprinkled with fresh black pepper and sea salt.

This morning I made a hearty soup with gammon, tomatoes, vegetables and then added a tin of spicy Taco beans towards the end.  That hit the spot on a chilly day.  I have enough for about another 4 lunches I think.

I have spent an hour or so this morning making the envelope back for the Llwyn Celyn cushion and it is now finished.  I'm very pleased with it.

Tomorrow I will have to take Alfie to the vet to have his abscess checked as the hole I found was from the bite, and the abscess is still forming above it, and hard to touch.  He is comfortable enough and eating, but I don't want it to worsen.

Now I'm debating do I brave the half a gale that is blowing and go for a walk . . .

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