Thursday 24 October 2024

So much for my evening out at Tretower Court!

 Well, it's 6.50 and I should be at Tretower Court right now, listening to a talk on the Welsh Halloween by Prof. Ronald Hutton.  Clearly, as I am at my computer, I am NOT.  I set off and got as far as Talgarth, only to find that the A479 route to Tretower through the Black Mountains was shut, and the diversion I would have to take was via Brecon.  I would have been hopelessly late, so I turned round and went home.  That's £15 down the drain . . . and I was really looking forward to it.  Ah well, the ex-friend may well have been there, so I suppose at least I avoided that encounter.

On the way to Tam's, near Gilfach Nature Reserve.

As I was driving home, and it was getting dark, I was dreading the after-dark driving to and from the Fair I am doing next month (back in Carms).  I have been feeling quite low today and tbh, starting to dread doing the Fair.  This stems from sleeping badly and from being on my own.  It has a knock-on effect on my confidence too.  I persuade myself that I can't do things.  

Yesterday I felt "off" and just wanted to sleep on the sofa, but no sooner had I begun to rest, I heard what I thought was a chainsaw close by.  No, not a chainsaw, but the chap who does my garden come with the brush strimmer to sort out the long grass and young trees in the orchard and bottom triangle.  After that, I had him tapping on the window and on the door, asking what needed doing and to come and check what he'd done.  So much for resting.  Last night, although Alfie woke me at 4 a.m. to be let out, I actually slept (fitfully in parts) for 11 hours.  Not that it helped my positivity.  I know that the upsetting text I had is still really weighing heavy on my mind.  I hope the weekend's meeting will sort things out.

Right, time to see if I can find one of Prof. Hutton's witchy/fairy talks on Youtube by way of compensation.  UPDATE:  Crikey, that was a mistake.  Got myself thoroughly spooked after he told of his experience with what may well have been the Irish Leannan Sidhe (bad fairy).  Going up to bed with a torch, for fear there might be a power cut!


  1. Somehow, I missed the 'ex-friend' part. That's an awful thing though, a falling out between friends. When it happens to me, it is something that I agonize over for a long time. I always feel as if it's entirely my fault, even though, of course, it is rarely so one sided. Still, I fret about it. I am sorry that you missed an evening out. It sounded like an interesting topic.

    1. Ah, the ex-friend bit was over a year ago now. We had been friends for about 25 years, I stayed with her, gone lovely places with her etc and thought she was a lifelong friend. Then as Keith's illness progressed, she began to pick on me on the forum (hers) we were on. Just a few of us on there (that's a long story - there were lots more at one time). She made pointed remarks, some hurtful ones, and seemed to be trying to drive me off, and eventually succeeded. It seemed to be down to my getting sympathy from the others on there - more attention than her perhaps . . . It's hard to know what makes people tick, but all of a sudden she no longer deemed me as a friend.

  2. I missed about the upsetting text and ex friend? Too bad you missed the spooky lecture.

    I always am so happy to see friends and family, to get out and enjoy life [post covid/ ongoing poor health]--but like you I do often feel low, even very sad, once the house is empty again. I try to make a to do list and carry on. Today is make a Halloween bracelet for a little friend--and maybe for me? and some hand sewing on the hot sunny deck. Hope you get the rest you need.



    1. Ex-friend - see above comment to Debby. Upsetting text I don't want to air in public, but it involved someone I thought of as one of the family.

      I am going to see Tam and Rosie tomorrow, so that will cheer me up. I have been keeping on with bits of crafting and unpicking and piecing properly the mistakes I made in Gabby's quilt when I was so stressed and anxious about Keith's health.

  3. Well we are finally moving tomorrow (fingers crossed), I'm really looking forward to our new adventure and being nearer to family. Fed up with being surrounded by boxes, and although I've written on them, hope they get put in the right rooms. Sheva cat is not impressed at all, but hope she settles in her new castle. Hope you (and me) get a decent night's sleep. Hugs Xx

    1. Thinking of you and hoping it all goes smoothly and to plan and Sheva isn't too cross with you taking her to your new home! Mine hated being in their cat carriers for the 55 miles here from the old house.
