Monday 28 October 2024

Come for a walk with me


Yesterday we had clear blue skies and I was already planning a drive out and walk when my friend Pam phoned to suggest the same.  We headed for the Elan Valley (which is where I had planned to go).  Above is the face of the quarried area which is now a car park.  It made me dizzy just to look up.  DO go to the link as it shows an aerial video of the Reservoirs and is fabulous. (Oh and the pouring of the weakest cup of tea, ever!)

Along a bit, which is how it would have looked before it was quarried to build the reservoir dams, and the village in the valley bottom.

Garreg Ddu reservoir which is the one we always walk along.

A Rowan tree still laden with berries.  It's been a good year for them this year.

We rescued this little hairy chap (a moth caterpillar, Fox Moth I think).  Lots of walkers, cyclists and dogs who would otherwise have squashed him.  I hope he stayed in the grass away from the path where we left him.

An attempt to show how steep it was above the pathway.

The bridge across the reservoir, which leads on to the furthest dam at Claerwen.  Parking on the far side there is a lovely 7 mile walk around the Caban Coch dam, which Tam and I did when we first moved here.

Pam wanted to cross the bridge and check out the church, which we did.  I'll put some photos of that up tomorrow.  I have been sadly lacking in church posts this year - having been to many of the local ones worth visiting, and when Keith was so ill, not being able to get away to visit any.  

Yesterday's walk cheered me up no end, and certainly relaxed me.  I sat on the sofa last night, watching Prof. Ronald Hutton's Youtube videos, had a glass of wine and fell asleep for over an hour on the sofa.  I went to bed before 9 and had a really good night's sleep, warmed by Pippi and Lulu :)  Spoke to Danette and a video call with Little Lin (which both cheered me up no end too) and this morning started the day with a video call to Rosie in NZ.  It is so good to have my dearest friends keeping in touch with me and helping me through the early days of widowhood.

I hope you all had a good weekend too, and that Gill has found where her kettle is (and her cat!!) now she has finally moved.

This morning (it is raining steadily now . . .) I will go to Llandod for the groceries I need and take my books back to the Library.  Then quilting this afternoon.  Gabby's quilt top done now but yesterday I noticed two blocks I managed to get round the wrong way . . .

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely walk on a beautiful day and made for some really good photos.
