Sunday 27 October 2024

Struggling a wee bit

 A lovely sunny morning out there.  I slept better and woke to find Lulu cwtched against my back on one side and Pippi still down between the duvet and the top quilt on the other.  It was 8 a.m. and for once, Alfie hadn't come upstairs at 4 a.m. demanding to be Let Out!

Gill - I hope that your move went well and you are finally waking up in your new home albeit with a grumpy cat who is probably NOT impressed with the move or the new home! 

I must bake an apple cake for my friend C up the lane as a thank you for the apples they are giving me.  I need to put the Mincemeat I made (in a big bowl in the fridge ever since) in jars today too.  I will make more.  I have a good Mincemeat Cake recipe which uses up the jars which didn't go into seasonal Mince Pies.

I went across to Tam's on Friday and helped in the garden again.  Rosie has slept for 5 hours the previous night and was a much happier soul.  I still think she may be waking up cold but the current belief is that you don't put covers over babies, but they sleep in a baby sleeping bag which leaves their hands and arms exposed, as you want to protect them from cot death that way.  Well, that might be the current thinking, but common sense sometimes has to prevail.  Back in my day, the "fashion" to protect against choking on sick was to lay the baby face down which I thought was a sure fire way of them suffocating so never did it AND I covered mine with a blanket or baby duvet, and with padded bumpers around the cot.  Mine all survived and slept quite well - just waking up when hungry (which was often enough!)

Today I need to get out for my sanity.  The meeting over the text content has worsened as my gut feeling about the apology sought has been proven and it has caused much upset to all concerned.  I will not air my dirty washing here but suffice it to say that I have been set back on the grieving path and the guilt button heavily pressed.  In fact, it's one of those situations you couldn't make up.

I am conscious of the amount of diesel used this month (trips to Malvern, Carmarthen, Brecon and Aberystwyth - none of them the least bit local) so won't go far, but perhaps I will go to the garden centre and buy bulbs or else go out to the Elan Valley and have a walk now the trees are changing colour.  I'll wait for it to warm up a bit first though as it's been just 2 deg. here overnight.

Thinking of all my blog friends and just Thank You for being there to listen . . .


1 comment:

  1. Nocturnal cat company is good.I am staying with friends for a week and their cat snuggles up behind me on the covers overnight and purrs us to sleep every time I wake during the night
